Personal Racial Equity Purpose (PREP)

As a white woman veteran teacher committed to softening hearts and calling in other white people in order to influence and support systemic change.  

I will bring my experiences at NorthView Middle School with me wherever I go.

I will practice the pause and breathe deeply before engaging in conversation using Pacific Educational Group’s Courageous Conversations About Race protocol, mindful inquiry, and a restorative mindset.

I will lean into the posture and way of being in a space that the Building Bridges golden group norms offers.  Considering the power dynamics at play in every space that I am in, and how my identities, conditioning and socialization of superiority can (and will) still be at play.

I will show up as my big hearted self and stay engaged in the work by recognizing my patterns of recognition seeking, staying silent in order to avoid conflict and distancing myself from other white people.

I deeply value awareness and will continue to combine my activism with my energy work.  Knowing they need each other for my (and my communities) greater, long term health, liberation and healing.  

I will practice finding myself in other white people in order to seek to understand and connect with compassion, empathy and loving accountability.

I will continue to lean into discomfort to humanize the conversation around race and speak truth to power and systems and whiteness as a weapon.

I will seek out spaces to cultivate authentic relationships, especially with people of color.  As I know the pattern of whiteness and white supremacy have and could continue to keep me from knowing a full, authentic, integrated life where there is enough for all.

Moving at the speed of trust.  Knowing that this is personal before it is anything else.  This is my choice to stay in as a white person, and I will make the choice of discomfort to opt in, every single day. 

